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External food and Birthday cakes

External food


We do not allow any external food on site other than a birthday cake. We have a 0-tolerance policy on external food please do not bring external food on site.

External catering can NOT be brought into the centre under any circumstances by guests. We cater for most dietary requirements and will be more then happy to cater for guests with allergies.




Birthday cakes


Birthday cakes are no longer allowed to be eaten on site; you are still more then welcome to do the happy birthday song along with blowing out the candles however you can not eat the cake on site. Your party hosts will happily help you cut up and hand out the cake.


Birthday cakes must be shop brought with the full ingredients displayed.


Due to the introduction of Natasha’s Law (The UK Food Information Amendment) coming into force on the 1st of October 2021, we have had to implement some conditions for bringing in birthday cakes for parties. Any birthday cake, cupcakes or party celebration cakes brought into a party, must be a shop bought cake in a box or a cake by a reputable baker/cake maker with the following information attached: ·

Name of the food. ·

Full ingredients list, with allergenic ingredients emphasised (for example in bold, italics or a different colour).

Homemade cakes, unfortunately, will no longer be allowed to be brought into birthday parties. It is your responsibility as organiser of the party to ascertain any allergies that your guests may have and take appropriate action.






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